Yesterday, I had a random thought, and I decided to post it on here out of curiosity, to see what others would say, as well as to get others to interact on the blogs. We all have them, we might as well use them!
So here was my thought/question:
If you had to leave advice for someone who has not reached your place in life yet, what would those words of advice be?
Take your time and enjoy the journey...not everyone takes the same path or encounters the same obstacles but if you have a goal in mind nothing and no one will stop you. Remember, misery loves company, so make sure you don’t RSVP to that party but thank them for invite and send them a postcard when you reach your destination :)
ReplyDeleteI tell my nieces before they go to college the same thing: Ask questions. Don't pretend you already know it all. Even if you might feel embarrassed, ASK.