Friday, April 1, 2011


I really like the revision process and value the opinions of others, but this time they've kind of thrown me off.  I don't resent the feedback, but now I just sort of don't know where to go with my fiction story.  I had one idea in mind of how I wanted to proceed with it, but after the class' feedback I don't know if I want to do that anymore.

I think it might have been better to get my story out completely before we had people read and make comments on what they would like to see happen.  Now I just feel stuck.

I also have a tendency (even with my art work) that once I make something I really feel strongly about I am afraid to continue with it because I don't want to mess it up.  This is why a lot of my projects get started and don't ever really get finished, although I have been much better with it recently.

I had to read a book for my book and magazine editing class called "The Artful Edit" by Susan Bell and I found that book pretty helpful.  The first half was good and it gave a lot of suggestions on how to edit your work and helpful strategies and stuff.. I recommend it if you're open to new ideas on how to edit your work.  The second half drags a big but you can always do like me and stop when it gets boring. lol

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